3 Summer Landscaping Hacks We Love

We’ve been seeing a glut of summer landscaping hack articles and ideas and floating around the internet in the last month. Considering how time crunched and cash poor we all are, we thought we would re-share with you the hacks we’ve come across and adore. So without further ado, here’s the tips we’ve fallen in love with…

Hack One – Use Pine Cones as Flower Bedding

Tip one is so simple, so effective and so pragmatic it makes it to the top of our list no question. We wish we had thought of it! Using pine cones for flower bedding not only looks pleasing on the eye, but it has the practical effect of keeping your cat and dog from trampling through the plant bed, or doing their own plant watering!


Hack Two – Use Metal Garden Edging to Create Mini Displays

In Second place we have this neat little number, piping or cylindrical garden edging never goes out of fashion, which means you can walk into any garden in Britain and come across it. So why not make yours stand out from the crowd? By creating each pipe into it’s own display, you can add more variety and order into your garden. Obviously you’ll need metal piping instead of wooden garden edging, but the pay off is worth it our eyes. Definitely one hack we hope to convince our clients about when we’re landscaping Liverpool!


Hack Three – Use Ice Cream Cones For Seeds

Last but not least, we have this inventive and what is sure to be space saving idea. When planting your seeds, instead of using a plant pot, why not use an ice cream cone! As we already stated, a cone over a plant pot is going to save so much space, not to mention the cone is biodegradable so you can cut out the need for replanting when the time comes. A suitable substitute would be toilet paper tubes and an egg box for the bottom, if you eat too much ice cream and aren’t willing to sacrifice cones!

These hacks are just the tip of the iceberg, there are hundreds being published on the internet at the moment, we’ve just picked the three we enjoy the most and relate to plants and planting. We’ll be keeping our eye out for future ingenious hacks in the future!

Top 7 Winter Landscaping Maintenance Tips

Nobody wants to think of gardening at this time year, we get that as neither do we! But it can in fact be the best time to get those odd jobs done we keep putting off in the busy summer, while at the same time lay the groundwork for next year’s projects when Spring finally rolls around.

So using our landscaping Liverpool expertise, we’ve come up with some quick fire ideas below, trust us, you’ll be grateful you got it all sorted out now instead of leaving it until Spring:

1. While your plants and shrubs grow to a halt for winter, now is the time to trim and cut them down to the size and shape you want them.
2. Remove your annual plants that you know won’t survive the winter and would otherwise just rot.
3. Use the waste & cuttings to start a compost heap, ready for use in the Spring.
4. Use the autumnal mulch and cover the soil and plants you want to save for next year, the moisture conserved in the plants will help protect the roots through the cold.
5. Removing the leaves and mulch isn’t just about cleanliness, leaving it can help promote the spread of certain fungi.
6. Rodents and other nasties can be attracted to your garden as well to use the debris as nesting areas during winter, so don’t leave it in a pile at the bottom of the garden.
7. Lastly, don’t worry about the lawn, trying to mow or reseed the lawn in the winter months can do more damage than good in the long term.

A few quick tips, if you’re not particularly green fingers it can sound like a drag, but it’s less overall work when Spring Cleaning season comes around. Act now or regret later!

*Image Credit – http://www.interiorholic.com/outdoors/landscaping/winter-landscaping-ideas/